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Your child’s school or pediatrician has said your child needs to see a psychologist for either a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation. Now what?
What is the difference between the two evaluations?
A psychoeducational evaluation determines if your child has a learning disability or other issues that negatively impact his or her ability to learn. It assesses the child’s cognitive (i.e., intellectual) abilities, academic achievement levels, information processing abilities, and general emotional and behavioral issues. These evaluations usually measure emotional/behavioral functioning and their impact on the child’s academic success.
Psychoeducational Evaluation Method generally includes (but is not limited to):
- A specialized battery of testing instruments, such as:
- Interviews with the child
- Interviews with parents and other relevant people
- Review of relevant records
A neuropsychological evaluation is typically requested when there are concerns that something more complicated than learning disabilities is negatively impacting a child’s overall functioning. Possible brain injury or inherent brain dysfunction are considered and evaluated.
Neuropsychological Evaluation Method generally includes (but is not limited to):
- A specialized battery of testing instruments, such as:
- Tests related to general emotional and personality functioning
- Interviews with the child
- Interviews with parents and other relevant people
- Review of relevant records
Psychoeducational testing or evaluations should be performed by a licensed psychologist (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) who has training in and experience doing these types of specialized evaluations. While specialized programs and learning specialists can evaluate learning disabilities, they are not trained to do comprehensive psycho-educational or neuropsychological evaluations.
You can get recommendations from your pediatrician, therapist, other parents, or even your child’s school. Usually, your local or state psychological association has a list of its members and their specialties. Often, local parenting support groups and organizations, or local ADHD coaches, have a list of resources, as well.
A truly comprehensive evaluation takes at least 5-6 hours, often more. Psychoeducational and neuropsychological testing can be administered in one day, but it is also separated into two or more days, depending upon the child.
If the school is paying for the evaluation, then it is usually with the expectation that the parent will sign a release of information form, allowing the psychologist to send the school administrators a copy.
No. A parent owns privilege to a child’s evaluation report of any kind except for “forensic” purposes (if related to litigation). In those situations, the court, or the attorney, “owns” privilege to the report and can decide who gets it. Otherwise, state statutes and federal HIPPA law clearly indicate that “protected health information” belongs to the client (or the parent/guardian). Only the client can release it to anyone or allow the doctor to release it.
Every circumstance is different. It depends on why they are asking for it (to best help your child to be punitive?). Also, are they suggesting that you get this done or demanding it? If you feel that the school is working collaboratively with you as a parent for your child’s best interest, then there usually is no harm in giving it to them. Many psychologists will provide parents with an abbreviated report relevant to the child’s learning, including recommendations. That version of the report can be “comfortably” shared with the school.
That is always possible, but it depends on the nature of the relationship you have with the school and why they want the report. Many variables need to be considered, and an experienced psychologist should be able to help you navigate that by speaking with you and relevant school officials.
Different psychologists have different styles. Some are more in-depth, and some are more general with their recommendations. If you first speak with the doctor to make sure that you have the same expectations of how in-depth the recommendations will be, specifically letting the doctor know what your needs are and what questions you need answering, the doctor can tailor the report to meet your needs.
This article is for informational purposes only. Information provided on this website is not intended to be used in place of professional psychological or medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. If you are seeking mental health treatment, we welcome a call to this office at 770-457-5577. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.
Atlanta Psychological Services
2308 Perimeter Park Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30341, United States